What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000


Considering AudiogoN prices - You can buy many fantastic used $20,000+ Speakers for under the magic $10,000 level.

This is really a different topic than previous questions in this forum.

I've bought Avalon Eidolons, Joseph Audio Pearls, Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and others for (slightly) under 10K

I would love to hear from other A'goners their opinions on what are the best you can do - for under 10K (Or even a "little bit more").

Thanks for sharing your opinions!
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Showing 8 responses by steve59

BUMP, Come on what would you guys spend $10k 2018 dollars or so for a pair of speakers? new or used... watts are cheap these days so just about anything can be powered affordably. 
Another thread the OP did what I did and bought a pair of revel salon2's. Someone posted he resold the salons pretty quick after raving about them. Revel is confident their spinorama is a foolproof path to musical perfection, but every speaker is a compromise and so it will still come down to personal preference, associated equipment, and room. IDK maybe 37 years of construction finally caught up with me and the sound i'm listening for is lost, or maybe big speakers are harder to place in a room to get they're best? Dunno, but 2 other speakers i've seen touch the $10k mark here that I REALLY want to hear are the AZ Crescendos and VA 'The Music'. Focal also recently released the Kanta 3, but it may be awhile b4 they come down to $10k.
I think Kef Uniq drivers are pretty even out to 30 deg off axis. Revel does work at making the off axis as linear as they can since the data shows first reflections play a significant role in what we hear and like. The speakers don't lack mid range energy from my listening chair. 
When was the last advancement in speaker design? I tried a boatload of used $10k speakers and they're all different, some are shams but the legit brands offer their version of the best that $10k is enough  to find for the average room. Most don't need a chronosonic when a sasha will fill a room. the b problem with buying used and the reason I went active dsp is component matching to get the desired sound out of chosen speakers.
I got to listen to a pair of kanta 3's at the store and first impressions are very good. Dynamic and detailed with bass that favors 70's rock. My couple of reservations are how far out in the room they were placed, 8' from the front and at least 10' from the sides with a 7' listening triangle. My other concern, and it was only a half hour demo after work, was the woofers output... It was exciting to listen to but I got the feeling the drivers were at on the edge without going over it. Definitely worth another listen and possibly my new favorite speaker new or used in this price range.
I just grabbed a pair of Usher BE-20 DMD speakers that list for $18,000 new I got for less than 1/2 price in vgc. BIG. Love the look, 3 days into listening so to soon to judge, I'm enjoying how dynamic they play.
Anybody see the dynaudio C4 for $8800? They are too tall to fit on 1 side of the room so I passed but I would expect them to be hard to beat. 
I just went active with a pair of DSP8000’s so the big ushers are going on the market, sniff. Then I’m done being tempted by the next best thing.