What is the best USB cable under $500 for a natural presentation and good detail ?

I have had a bunch of usb cables the vast majority are well over $500 for a 1 meter cable.   , I need a good usb cable  for new dac in my other audio system.


Showing 6 responses by thyname

Dude: figure it out for yourself. Why would I "show you proof" of anything? I owe you nothing. 

The authorities have spoken. Moderator: please delete this thread. The issue has been resolved now 😂


516 posts

Pretty much all USB cables are the same.  Period.


99 posts

Our brains can do some funny things.

Wow!! Are you OK buddy? Did you forget your meds today?



517 posts


Yes, it has.  Like I typed, pretty much all USB cables are the same.


(I thought if I typed it in all caps maybe you could understand it better.  Probably not.)

Well, you could cut yours so it did not work, I guess.  GENIUS!

All the electrons I have ever interviewed say...oh, what's the use.  I suppose if you scream something loud enough and long enough it becomes true.  I WON THE ELECTION.  USB CABLES THAT COST A BILLION DOLLARS ARE WONDERFUL!!!


Good grief.