What is the best thing to buy/or do to clean connections on IC's and SC " ??

Well, whats you thoughts and how important is this ?

Showing 2 responses by audiozen

Engerene. not sure if its still made. Liquid naphtha in a can. Theres other brands as well. Many years ago, the best high end repair company in Seattle, Precision Audio, would sell from time to time used solid state and tube gear on a rack in their lobby. They would do full restoration and sold McIntosh amps from time to time. The old stuff. I was amazed how beautiful the old models looked, almost like new. I asked one of the technicians how the heck do you make the old pieces look so beautiful? He replied.."Engerene..its liquid Naphtha in a can..the chemical they use at dry cleaners". I said are you serious? He says Yep! It works better than anything we tried. Its great for cleaning metal surfaces and makes chrome and stainless steel look like new and does not damage or marĀ  lettering or numbers on the faceplates. Really stinky stuff. Use in a well ventilated area.
schubert-if you decide to try naphtha, make sure its naphtha only. Just a handful of brands are available and half of those brands sell liquid naphtha mixed with another chemical. Try one of the older classic hardware stores in your area.