What is the best audiophile speaker for a tiny square room?

I currently have Soundlabs M545 electrostatic speakers in my 9 x 11ft room. They are great speakers particularly for this small room because they are more directional than box speakers and therefore decrease sidewall reflections. However, like other electrostatics, they are hard to drive and require big amps (>200W), which tend to generate a lot of heat. Class Ds don't go well with ES speakers. Are there great easy to drive speakers that would work well in this room without compromising SQ?

Showing 1 response by jllu

Dutch and Dutch 8C

State of the art actives designed to be placed close to a wall and built in DSP. I have mine in a reflective 10 by 10 room where most other speakers are doomed to fail, but they sound outstanding. The 8Cs can go almost anywhere and do very well.