What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Fellow audio enthusiasts -

I beseech you by the mercies of Audiophilia to rescue me from my own ignorance. After reading all that I could about the many receptacles both on Agon and the net, I confess that I am now more confused than before. Nickel plated - good or not? Gold plated - good or not? Can someone answer this question for me, pls?

What is the best AC receptacle on the market?

Showing 1 response by darrylhifi

I have 2 Wattgate's , 2 PS audio's . PS audio is a good buy for the money. The Wattgate's I bought for the Power Amp section , but found through trial and error and a Bob Bundus comment, that it really excels on the digital Side.
Joe's comment above is interesting about Furutech, having a better grip in his experience, because thats key. A tight grip is 90 percent of what its all about. But Im very happy with Wattgate . Try it on your CDP, DAC or Pre if it is digital based.