Of coarse it is a matter of taste and the circuit, but some tubes to look for would be #1, the smooth plate telefunkens. While poeple often debate on whether they are the best, or what is better, they are always very good. Everybody seems to like them, and they always seem to work good in almost all applications. N.O.S. rca's, if you could find them will give you different than the tele, you could try 5751's, which is a lowwer amplification that the 12ax7 that is a direct replacement, that some poeole highly recomend. (g.e.'s are inexpensive). I was surprised with the newr sovtek 12ax7lps, I found it as smooth as a tele but warmer AND punchier, (that was only in one try, though).
It might be for you a good idea if you could find a source for decent used, so you could afford to buy some different one's and see which way you want to go. Especailly if you have more tube gear that would benifit from tube rolling.
It might be for you a good idea if you could find a source for decent used, so you could afford to buy some different one's and see which way you want to go. Especailly if you have more tube gear that would benifit from tube rolling.