Hi Mceljo
I would just bias your amp at .45v and call it a day. I had similar experiences with my Jolida amp. I at first set the bias to all power tubes to 500mV exactly. Later I found that depending on the voltage from the socket would affect the bias of my amp. The voltage around my neighborhood is pretty bad. There are lots of swings. I would see the red LEDs flicker or darken. After that I just set the bias to 550 or 560mV and never had any issues with the LEDs going out or tube life.
I would just bias your amp at .45v and call it a day. I had similar experiences with my Jolida amp. I at first set the bias to all power tubes to 500mV exactly. Later I found that depending on the voltage from the socket would affect the bias of my amp. The voltage around my neighborhood is pretty bad. There are lots of swings. I would see the red LEDs flicker or darken. After that I just set the bias to 550 or 560mV and never had any issues with the LEDs going out or tube life.