What is that weird noise in the mix of Sympathy For the Devil?

Right channel. Sounds like an oscillator from an amp? Bad tape ?


Showing 6 responses by millercarbon

By the way, if you really are the original Thor wouldn't you be just, Thor?


That's because Mick has the Stones music mastered to sound best on the 6x9 coaxial in the dash of a 1969 Mustang. Or was it Camaro? Never could keep those straight.

Okay, I get it now. OP is unable to distinguish between the mix, the master, the pressing or copy, the playback, the broadcast, and his system. A common enough problem. This is why so many people think the speaker is so important. They hear the sound obviously coming out of the speaker, nothing else is making any sound, it must be the speaker.

Technically, in order to know for sure it is "in the mix" we would have to have access to the recording studio. Not just the master tape, the studio. Before mix-down. This is the order of things. 

Instead what we have is a radio station, through a Creek, off powered desktop speakers. And I know the marketing department loves to call this kind of thing reference level, but come on!

The song is Sympathy for the Devil. There is no weird noise. There is only the music that came flowing out of these guys for this one lightning bolt of genius.