What is Resistance and Capacitance in TT's?

Could someone explain to me in simple terms the definition of resistance and capacitance. My phono stage has dip switches allowing me to set each of these. My cartridge came with a recommended cartridge loading for the resistor value so this was easy to determine, but it doesn't specifically mention what capacitator value to use. Is there a formula for determining which is value best. I have a ClearAudio Sigma cartridge so just guessing whether to use 100pF, 470pF 1000pF, or no capacitive loading at all. Thanks!
To quote the manual for my Klyne SK-5A preamp, "The effect of loading a cartridge with a relatively low value of input resistance is to provide some dynamic electrical damping of the moving coil generating assembly. In general, a higher input resistance will give relatively better signal to noise performance, whereas a somewhat lower value tends to reduce treble distortion. Too low a value will rob the midrange of life, fullness and clarity."

Again, to quote the Klyne manual, "Many MC cartridges suffer from a rising high frequency response starting somewhere between 10KHz and 25 KHz. Typically this rise will reach a peak of up to12 dB in the vicinity of 40KHz and then fall sharply as the high frequency response limit of the cartridge is reached. This high frequency peak is audibly discernible and can contribute greatly to listener fatigue. ... it can also stress high frequency performance of the RIAA amplifier."

Changing capacitance values will change the high frequency rolloff characteristic of your phono section, and whether the Sigma is MC or MM, it looks as though your capacitance setting may be worth playing with. Klyne recommends you do it by ear starting with a rolloff at 16KHz and working up, but I'm afraid I don't know what starting capacitance value that represents--perhaps the lowest.
MC cartridges are generally not as sensitve to capacitive loading as MM cartridges, so you could try any of the settings and decide if there is any difference, and use the one you like best. I don't even have an option for capacitive loading on my phono section.