What is "low ball"

A lot of ads say something to the effect "no lowballers please". So I'm curious what people think is "lowball".

I'm looking for a percentage from people. I'm thinking less than 75% of asking price is where "low ball" kicks in, but I'm interested in what the general consensus is (if there is one).

Showing 50 responses by polk432

When the seller refuses to lower their price, they ARE tyhe ones with the gold, not the buyer that can't pay retail.
AMEN! You make sense, but if he stops now the funs over. Cars take some homework but it's well worth it.
If anyone thinks prices are too high, then just move on. Why make an offer to someone that is selling something for way too much money, even if they come down to your price? Just move on, there will be something else for sale later on.
Bottom feeders are getting worse than the ones on ebay. I never thought I'd see the day, but then again, I warned people about jumbo mortgages and variable interest rates 5 years ago, and its all come to pass. Keep on wanting what you can't afford, because you'll never learn anyway.
Slikric, lowballers will always be lowballers unless they winn the lotto or turn to crime. Oh well, I guess hope is a motto of the desparate after all.
Seller sets the price. No offers. It's the sellers that buy something they can't afford to keep that help out the bottom feeders, as long as the price is fair, especially if the item has always been handled with gloves and treated with the utmost care. If a buyer doesn't like a price, they can pay retail.
Agon has fees. Just ask them. I agree with Hevac. Either have the money or butt out.
I agree with Slikric, too many people today want something for nothing. They make excuses about the economy being bad. So do lots of companies that pay a lot less money to employees now. The company makes just as much money, but they take advantage of the employees. I may not be rich, but I'm glad I always bought and sold right to retire under 50. Good luck to all and remember, no lowballing.
Audiomart... They'd recommend even less if they thought it would make them more sales fees. Think about it.
I have speakers for sale. I'm not charging a paypal fee. If the buyer pays with a money order, I'll deduct what I would have paid paypal. Why should the buyer pay it if I don't, unless they are a low baller.
Sorry, I meant agon. Still, if you don't have the money look elseware. Nobody else should have to deal with other peoples problems, classy or not.
Herman, how am I charging 100.00 by money order? I'm deducting paypal after the fact. You don't make any sense.
If you offer less than the selling price and don't get a reply, take the hint.
Ok, if you think you are right, I'll knock off 500.00 now please put your money where your mouth is or shut up. You don't have the money anyway, so what's your point? No paypal fee no money order fee and no anchovies. Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa.
Chadnliz, there's nothing wrong with a good deal that benefits the buyer and seller, but I didn't retire at 49 by letting people walk all over me when I made sales. I'm not against shoppers, just people that think that they are entitled to things for nothing. I'm never insulted when a prospect offers something so low that they are not fit to be responded to. I dropped my selling price by 500.00 just to prove that the person complaining couldn't afford the item in the first place.
Hifihvn, no I'm not a professional, just a smart person that knows my place, just like lowballers should also know. Like I said I sold items, not buy them. This can be an expensive hobby for some, just like rare coins. Try to get a 1916-d dime, 1955 ddo penny, 3 legged buffalo nickel, 1916 standing liberty quarter, or any other coin of respectable value for 50% on the dollar and you'll be ignored too. Buyers don't owe sellers, and sellers don't owe buyers anything either. So no, I'm not a professional lowballer. If I want something, I just buy it. Sorry if you're not in the same position. I feel your pain.
Herman, how is it I'm charging for a money order? I still don't understand?
You don't know how low some people will go trying to push the envelope. As a seller, I owe the buyer nothing especially when they make an offer so low it's an insult to my intelligence. On the other hand I also give extras with the items I sell so that the buyer gets a good deal and the items are ready to plug and play.
I negotiated well enough to retire 9 years ago at 49. A lowballer or person that thinks that they are entitled to something even if they don't have the means should look elseware, or find a desparate seller. Sure, there are sellers that charge too much, but you should move on to someone else. Why give your money to them even if they come down to your price? I never give lowballers the time of day, unless they are asking to round down just a few bucks, but I try to give them a good deal from the start. If that's not good enough, then it's haves vs. have nots.
Maybe, but I still want to know how it sounds. You just don't get it do ya Hifi. High&Dry I'm still standin.
What next? Why not have a lowball contest right here on agon, and see who can get something the cheapest. Then the lowballer can sell it for less than what they paid.
Retirement plans should be made from the day one starts working. Many people simply spend on whatever they want, then it becomes too late to save. As far as lowballers (not frugal people) go, they seem to be the first ones to complain about how little they make, or not getting raises. It's different to them when their bosses are lowballers and won't pay them more money, then they expect the rest of us to pick up the slack by selling things cheaply to them, after the many sacrifices we had to make to better our positions in life. Why is that.
I buy new and don't sell used for profits. Don't let your ham and eggs get cold. Sellers only complain about things buyers want for nothing. There's nothing wrong with getting a good deal.
You drive a hard bargin but, ok I'll overnight them. Will a 5 yeat warranty be enough?
Look at the shape of the entire country. Most don't realize how much sacrifice it takes to have nice things, and are not going to deny themselves anything since they seem to think that people that have nice things had them handed to them. I'm all for a good deal, but I'll destroy something first or donate it to the needy before caving in to bottom feeders. Even though I retired early, there will be lots of things I won't be able to have, and I really don't care. I did without a new car till I was 44 and had no credit card till I was 45. Maybe it worked out for the better.
I said needy not greedy! Unempolyment, food stamps, and welfare (for those 88% that don't need it) get a crystal radio. Get a haircut and get real job, and maybe get a tube crystal radio instead of ss.
It takes all kinds. Some think OBO means or best over. Go figure. Some people are still trying to figure out how to follow someone into a revolving door and come out ahead of them.
Just think of how much good this blog will do lowballers when they try to show their bosses this blog trying to get paid more. Even if they get a raise (which I doubt) they'll still find an excuse to lowball. How can their bosses be so cruel?
I don't like any of um. Just think of how bad they'd try to lowball us on agon? And with the taxpayers money too. Maybe all of Greenspans screw ups were to intentionally force us to go back to the gold standard!? Something that actually backs money. I guess responsibility by our Government is too much to wish for.
I wouldn't ship the item until the check clears at least 30 days (in case it's a phoney ) this way you'll still have your item. Don't ship until you cash the check. Even a money order can be reversed if a person pays for it by check and not cash. Be careful. Have you got the all of the buyers info? I'm just sayin'..............
If a buyer thinks they can pay whatever they want, then step up to the plate and pay retail...unless you don't have enough to be in the hobby to begin with. If something is priced too high the seller is a bad guy, but if the seller steps down to a lowball price, he's now a good guy. There are enough freeloaders in the world already.
Herman, I do not have any more than anyone else. This is supposed to be about unacceptable lowballing. The reason some people have less than others is because they can't control their spending and expext someone else to make up the difference. Not that I feel that I have to explain to you or anyone else, but if you don't manage your money, it'll manage you. As far as the few that really deserve to be on welfare, (ask anyone that collects) the Gov. makes it too easy. They people that can work feel it is not in their best interest to work 40 hours a week just to make a few extra dollars. 88% is a lowball figure. Happy listening.
Money means nothing. You can't buy your health with it. I feel rich because I have use of both my eyes, ears, and have use of all of my limbs. I've seen my share of those who don't, and they're still standing if you know what I mean. As far as relationships go, domination is only a bedroom thing for some. People don't come with guarantees, so if things don't work out, I don't want to be out any more than my ex. Why should I? Some people are just screw ups when it comes to money and/ or responsibilities. If I want big ugly speakers and pay for them, why not. If she pays for ugly drapes and likes them, I'm not going to complain. I may not have as much as a lot of people, but I'm happy for what I do have. I sure hope all the bad guys on Smackdown win tonight. Happy listening.
I'm glad you were able to stick to your guns. If 2K was a fair price to begin with, your 300.00 discount was more than generous. Best of luck.
Don't be sad Herman, she'll get over it, and I already have. Lowballers have nothing to lose, and I'm just not into the Leave it to Beaver lifstyle. You have to make it with or without someone.
I'm happy the way things are, and hope others are too. There's just no way anyone will convince me that I should cater to lowballers. I really don't feel my attitude is sad pathetic or uneviable at all. Being happy just to be able to see, hear, and use all of my limbs is good enough for me. Making the sacrifices that I have to keep from being a burden to society isn't exactly what I call the sign of a loser. If people are in debt, that was their choice. No lowballers please. I agree with Yogiboy on paypal.
Here's one for ya. How about a New D-35 Martin Guitar for 1700.00 free shipping and insurance, no paypal fees. Case, 3 sets of strings, Combo hygrometer therometer, combo tuner metronome also free.
Again, a deal that is good for both parties is usually a good deal. I still have a much better position through honest dealings than most people that want things for free. Why can't lowball losers just figure out that they can't have everything, anymore than a person that can pay as they go? As you can see by my comments it goes both ways. I purchased 4 new Mustangs in 8 years, and did not get the deal I wanted on car 3, so I paid a little more to another dealer and you can bet your boots when I bought car 4 I got a much better price than both. I will still not cater to a lowballer. I can afford a non sale and a purchase after anyway. Don't be mad just because can't. Best of luck.