No we have not. We have read many comments from those who've used it and other enhancers and have been more impressed with both Total Contact and especially the Q45T. I have about 245 individual contacts to treat if you count each pin on a tube of which I have 9 tubes in my system. My friends and I are pretty heavy into trying out many different tweaks, many of which have raise the SQ of our systems considerably. If one of us tries something that really works great, we share it with the other two and it usually is a group home run. The Q45T is just one of them. If you are gonna go to all the trouble of treating all of your contacts, you'd really like to have as much prior info on the different choices as in my case, it's about a 3-4 hour job to do mine. Not something you want to have to do over and over. I'd pretty much guarantee that you'd love the results and even more as the weeks go by and it causes jumps in performance while you just sit there and enjoy the music.
Good luck