What is "break in" and what difference does it make? In amps? Preamps? Speakers? More?

Hi folks,

Newbie question. I read often about a break-in period for speakers, amps. Can someone explain what this means, technically and to the listener's ears?

Is there a difference in what one hears when it comes to speaker break-in vs. component break-in?

Are there levels (quality) where break-in makes no difference?


Showing 1 response by asvjerry

*L* ....and "what's wrong with audiophiles?" has been beaten into a coma already...and what's left is developing an 'aroma'.....

Perhaps the best advice I can offer the OP comes from M. Python's 'Holy Grail' epic:

"RUN AWAY!" *L*   

(Give thanks and depart...lesser forums, started innocently enough, have become black pixel holes, inhaling all, resolving none...  I leave now, casting your fate to the winds of woe....*melodramatically speaking*....)