What is best VTA for Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge?

I have a new Super Scoutmaster Reference turntable. I have put my 2 year old Clearaudio Maestro moving magnet cartridge on it. The sound is very bright and rather harsh. What is the best VTA setting for this cartridge- level, tipped forward a bit, or tipped back a bit?
Does anyone have any other set up ideas to get this cartridge sounding better?
PS. The Maestro sounded great on my tricked out Rega Planar 3, my previous table.

Showing 1 response by kehut

Even under the best conditions and proper set up, If you have the wood version of the Maestro, you have a cart weight of 7g, which is not a good match for a unipiv. VPI JMW 9 or 10/10.5 arm. Also consider that it's of low/medium compliance, which doesn't help either. Most unipivots really benefit from higher compliance cart's in the range of greater than 15cu. Cart's in the 10+g weight would be better suited for the JMW.

If you have the 12g weight integral aluminum body version of the Maestro, you should be doing okay, and with proper alignment parameters, should sound fine.

The wood version does best with higher mass, fixed bearing arms like the sme or rega's.

Under proper alignment of VTA and VTF, azimuth..ect.. the Maestro is anything but bright, and noted for its warm, rich, yet exceptionally good tonal and transient qualities for a magnet. Like most cart's..It's proper VTA is when the stylus is exactly perpendicular to the record.