What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
I really wonder.... If those who claimed to have bad experiences with the Pangea cables have a vested interest elsewhere.  I never heard any of the negatives that some here are claiming.  If they were genuinely bad experiences? Its still no reason not to try them. It may be a fluke thing. They are well made and sell for a much better price than those ones others approve of.  They are constructed with Cardas cable and litz.  I think I may smell a rat... But, one never knows.
Shunyata venom for sure 
u can buy 3 for $500 
I replace much more expensive cord with venom and never looked back.
A good power cable needs to have solid construction, fit tightly in the wall outlet, and have good insulation. By the budget you say you have, I'm sure all your equipment came with this kind. You are going to hear the usual mambo jumbo of exotic cables that can transfer power in ways not known to physical laws. If we believe all that crap we'll need to change all the power lines from the power station, to our houses to begin with, since they are made of aluminum steel reinforced. Safe the money for speakers, amplification, wine or music.
If you can get some used quality Audioquest power cords for sale such as the NRG-10, NRG100 or a NRG1000, now that they have come out with better models, go for it.  In the past I have bee able to purchase demo power cords from an Audioquest dealer when they come out with new models.  Thus I was able to purchase their NRG10's for $450 when they first came out and later some NRG100's for $500.  Al in as new condition.  I have always preferred the Audioquest models when they first came out with their NRG10's and 100's.