What is a good upgrade to the Magnepan MGlc?

Is either the Magnepan MG3a or MG1.6 a worthwhile upgrade to the MGlc?
They will still rebuild them, I started with Maggie MGIIb's and upgraded to the IIIas after awhile. I have used Audio Research M100 monoblock tubes but now use the Audio Research D400mk2 and support the maggies on the low end with a pair of velodyne 12 in. powered subs. Have kept my Audio Research SP9 mk 3 too. Still have the IIbs and they said they would rebuild them too.

Last year I pondered the 20.1s and gave them a good listen, and they did sound better in several ways than my set-up, but to me, and risking the wrath of some, it was not an HUGE improvement. Many speakers do some things better than the IIIa but for me anyway, it creates a very musical experience and except for getting a marantz 11s1 sacd player, I have quit upgrading and just keep investing in music
Yes, the IIIa is an unbelievable deal if you can find them in good shape. I am not sure if Magnepan will still rebuild them, but if they do, you basically get a new speaker for about $400. I have the 3.6r's and I think the IIIa's are in the same league with similar amplification.

1.6 are great speakers too, but they don't have near the bass response of the IIIa's.