What is a cost effective way to level match, for comparing different hifi components?

Over the next little while I am planning on trying out some new DACs in my stereo system, and I know that it is important to make sure that sound levels are carefully matched when comparing. So I would like to ask others here how they do this? I realize that these days we all have smartphones and can download apps to measure SPLs. Is this accurate enough for careful comparisons. I wouldn’t mind getting some ideas from others on how they do this, and what might be the best way.

Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

Cost effective is just using your ears.

I think it is a question of what you enjoy doing. If you get enjoyment out of doing analytical things, and solving problems of how to measure and achieve perfect balance… that is great. I can think of a bunch of different ways of doing it. I have a high quality microphone I had bought about 15 years ago for home theater and other audio measurements… feathering in subs… etc.

I guess I am getting lazy in my old age. My preamp will hold different settings between inputs. So last time when comparing streamers I just used my ears.

Nothing innately wrong with either. Use the approach that you enjoy most. The fate of the world does not rest in the balance on the outcome.