What interconnects with SACD 1000 ?

Out of curiosity, what interconnects are you folks using with your SACD 1000 ? I know that this is both system dependent and a matter of personal preference, but i'm kind of curious. I was running the cables that i had hooked up to my previous DVD / CD player but was missing top end "air" and "spaciousness". Switched over to some Magnan IV's tonight. Not too much time listening to them, but the sound is now very natural sounding but a little lean and lacking "drive" for harder music. Bass is MUCH sharper and cleaner sounding with far better definition, but lacking in "weight". Kind of a role reversal as the 1000 initially struck me as being a little heavy at the very bottom. Those of you into acoustic music / vocals may find this combo very, very nice. From the lower mids on up, the presentation is very natural, to the point of being "seamless". If i could just get a bit more warmth out of this combo, i'd be riding down main street. I'm going to pull the IV's and put them onto my burner ( never burned these as i just picked them up a while ago ) and see what happens. Burning cables tends to fill in the warmth region a bit, so this may be just what i need. In the meantime, i'll try throwing in a set of my Magnan II's or III's and see where that takes me. These all have somewhat similar sonics ( air dielectric with 36 gauge wire ) with different levels of air and slight shifts in tonal balance.

In the meantime, how about sharing what you folks have come up with ? Anybody done any comparisons to see what's worked best for them ? Sean

Showing 3 responses by kana813

I'm using Randall Research Symmetrical TX, and with some extensive burn-in on the 1000, the sound is well balanced.
I never found any lack of definition in the bass and
was impressed right out the box by the 1000's performance
on acoustic bass.

The unit still lacks the air and open soundstaging of my custom DAC, but I think some key part replacement/upgrades
and bypassing will open things up. Just waiting for my local
IEEE to confirm/spec some parts before I pop the hood.

Mele Kalikimaka.
Infinity audio- My Philips 1000 sounds nothing like you
describe. Maybe it's the rest of your system or your room.

Why don't you just sell it and stop bad mouthing it.
Interesting how these threads can get off the original purpose.

Sean tries to share some positive information aimed at increasing the performance of a piece of equipment with a lot of potential and the dark side of the force takes over.

When put down my $350. for a SACD 1000, I didn’t expect
anything other a solidly built machine. With a few hundred hours on it, I’m more than pleased with the sound. It sounds good with the interconnects I’ve tried on it, and it’s never sounded anything like IA describes.

IA’s system shows he has a Sony SCD-1, yet he compares the SACD1000 to a MSB Link DAC II, and says,“the MSB totally blew the new SACD1000 away!”

In other threads IA continues to pan the SACD 1000’s performance and questions it’s value.

Hey,if you’ve got a Sony SCD-1, then sell the bugger and focus on improving some other part of your system.

The rest of us are looking for constructive input on ways to improve the SACD 1000 and I appreciate people like Sean taking the time to share his mana’o with us.
