What I really hate about some music

When I listen to music, there are four things that I really bothers me and was wondering if there are others who feel the same way about songs just as strongly as I do. I don't like feeling this way but when I hear these things, I just want to turn the music off and I'm not sure why the song writer doesn't realize he probably has a dud and not a hit. Here they are:

1. When a song writer finds a catchy phrase and the singer repeats the line three times in a row and then a stanza later, here it comes again repeated all three times and this just keeps going on and on.

2. Very similar to the above, a writer writes a real good line of music and then makes the whole song a repeat or variation of this line of music and has no imagination to add a little something in-between.

3. Singers who can't really sing well and think they can but get such really great score of music behind them that if a really good singer sang the song it would be wonderful to listen to. Please understand that carrying a tune to me doesn't make a good singer and I'm not talking about karoke singers here either.

4. Rhyming in a melody.... Please you can predict what the next line of the song is going to be before it is sang because it rhymes with the last line just sang...


Showing 1 response by winnardt

The first two are basically the same complaint, overdone repetition, with Kiss's Rock and Roll All Nite being one of the worst offenders. I think they repeat the line "I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day" something like 32 times at the end of that song. This is why, whenever Kiss comes up, we say "Kiss sucks".

The third point is a little trickier, because sometimes the voice of a singer who would not normally be called a "good singer" can add some emphasis or grittiness to songs. See Bob Dylan, Neil Young, or Levon Helm as examples.

The fourth point means nothing to me. I have no problem with rhyming and I think it can be used to tie phrases together into a cohesive structure.