What High End AC Cables should Offer

90 degree plugs. 

90 Degree plugs are the answer to many problems with excessively large and heavy cables. 

Here's a 90 degree plug from Leviton as an example.  I'm not saying that you should hack your $3,000 Furutech cable, but that we should start asking manufacturers to offer 90 degree plug options.  Not only do they make it less likely to leverage a plug out of the socket (i.e. sag) but also huge space savers.   I can put my bass traps right up against one of these, no problem.  Can't do it at all with even a modest straight angle plug.


Showing 3 responses by audphile1

Some of us use duplex outlets. And only one of these plugs will work there.
If you need to put a bass trap flush against the wall and there’s an outlet there, just move the outlet. Even with 90 degree plugs the cable will still be in a way of getting the panel flush, either on the floor or on the wall. 



I think you’re describing a DIY scenario with ability to change plug orientation to whatever angle you need. Which is fine. But I thought you were referring to the already manufactured cable with the 90 degree plug. In that case it won’t be adjustable. In addition, some bass traps, especially the corner tri traps, have a frame and they’re not soft. It’s a solvable problem and you can solve it whatever way you want.