What Headphones? Looking to upgrade..........

Okay, here's the dilly. I have a pair of Sennheiser 545s. ;) and well, I used to have a pair of klipsch 2.1s. Problem is my headphones made the speakers sound so badly - I decided to sell them off.

Anyhow now I'm looking to get new headphones. Trying to compete with my dad's latest sound equipment he bought like over $20,000 worth. Making my headphones sound bad damnit. hehe

Anyhow I"ve done some research and a little bit - but I"m interested to hear opinions. What would be a good alternative to the Sennheiser 545s? I'm interested in clarity, no static, lots of detail and comfort. Bass would be nice, not overpowering, but solid.

I'm looking for 'detailed' sound. I've heard good things about Grado, Koss, Sennheisers 580/600......etc. etc. What are youthoughts? They will be used for listening to music on the computer among other areas and for gaming.

Showing 3 responses by frankwu

Well, here's the thing:

Right now my choices are down to Sennheiser 580 or 600. From what I"ve heard the 580s are practically the exact same as the hd-600s except the hd 600 are made of slightly better material instead of plastic. Is this worth the extra moola?

Also I listen to mainly classical/jazz + a little bit of rock every now and then. hehe. ;) Right now I"m looking into a headphone amp.......and looking to do a bit more research.

Would htere be anything that could compete on the Sennheiser 600 level besides electrostatic? Thanks for the advice guys!
Note: As an quick update I use the Hercules Game Theater XP /w my computer. I have an 1/8" to 1/4" adapter and plug it in directly to the external rack with the Game Theatre.

Sounds decent to me - static is basically gone unless you really crank up the volume and listen very carefully
Thanks for your help guys - I'm about to purchase a Sennheiser 600. Now if I can just find the right amp.....right now the porta one looks good as well as the creek. What's the difference in the creek regular version and the SE version? Is the SE worth the extra moola?