What have you been working on in 2020?

New system? Getting into DIY? New bands?

I’d love to know what you’ve been doing that is audio-related this year. Dare I hope some of you have gotten soldering guns? Heat guns? Cables or caps?
For me, I’ve gotten into Roon and the Pi 4. Finally set up my combined 2-ch/HT set up with a new HT processor, and done a little blogging on Roon and subwoofers.  Last night I took my Pi 4 apart and added tiny little heat sinks to the RAM, USB and Ethernet chips.

Showing 1 response by merosen

Got my Atma Sphere MK 60 amps upgraded from 2,x to 3.3 back in march, Listening music from 8am till 11pm. Next I’ve got to send my 20+ year old SME V tonearm to England for a rebuild. Also upgraded my cables to Audio Envy.