What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?

For example :I recently learned a hard lesson- I accidentally ran voltage thru my $3000 MC cartridge (kiseki purple heart).  I have a TT with 5 prong connector and a phono cable with a 5 prong connector.  I accidentally swapped where they plugged into and ran electric thru the tonearm into the cartridge.  It was a stupid - not thinking- hasty mistake. When I corrected the problem the cartridge was fried.  An avalanche of four letter words followed!

So what has been your biggest and/or costliest mistake?

Showing 2 responses by mapman

I’ve been streaming over 10 years now and have yet to hear a difference with streamers.  Everything else way more.  Well, all the other usual things anyhow.  It’s the Dac, Mac!
That is a really good question!

I’ve been fortunate. No bad choices, just some that might have been better in hindsight had I been better educated at the time. Biggest lesson learned over time is perhaps to always do your homework regarding what things are most likely to work well together and be diligent to manage the financial risk associated with trying costly new items. Avoid snap decisions based on limited information.