What happened to those dreaded 1099 forms we were going to receive from Paypal?

So, who received a 1099 form from Paypal that everyone was dreading and caused so many to change how they would receive payment? I'm quite curious as I didn't receive one. Didn't know what topic to use so I chose the one with most traffic.

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Showing 4 responses by jond

@soundsspectacular I was referring to the comment that the IRS is going after the lowest paid people in the service industry which is a nonsense comment. I am well aware of the 1099s being sent out.

That is a proposed and voluntary program and its being announce to generate public commentary that's all.

Anyone know a Dr Sloan here? He appeared seriously triggered by one of my posts here and sent me several insulting barely readable PMs. Never heard of him or seen him post here before.