What happened to the loudness control?

Why have they stopped using them on equipment? I miss the loudness control. Does anyone else?

Showing 1 response by newbee

I agree with Onhwy61.

However, proper implementation of tone controls and loudness contour controls would have an extremely bad effect on our declining hobby. Sales of cables, IC,s, etc ect etc would fall like a stone. IMHO, many folks are using cables/IC's, etc, as tone controls of some sort. Actually, its worst that that, because a lot of equipment is bought/sold for nothing more than tonal reasons which could be corrected by a versile TC or loudness compensation control. If you think I'm FOS, pay close attention to the questions asked by folks here (as well as the responses) and see how many questions arrise out of a search for true neutrallity. Most are "how do I get more bass", "How do I get rid of boomy bass", "How do I get rid of the brightness/glare", etc, all of which could be handled by properly designed and implemented frequency bending devices.

One of the reasons for not including such in high end equipment that I have always loved was "that the controls would be mis-used by the end user", even though this same end user was discriminatory enuf to buy that piece of high end stuff and could obviously hear its merits, never-the-less he would be an acoustic ignoramus and use the TC's distructively.

Humm.....just food for thought. By the way, I keep a seperate tone control (with low,med, and high frequency adjustments as well as high and low filters in my tape loop. I use it to compensate for some problems with old LP's and CD's. Don't have to use it often, but when I do its well worth it!