What happened to the Innous discussion

I really wanted to read the Innous discussion because I recently bought, and then returned, an Innous Zen. I had several people listen to it a/b with my Bluesound Vault and the difference was so minor that most couldn’t hear a difference. One person heard a small difference and thought the Zen had more "punch", but also thought it wasn’t as clear and revealing as the Bluesound Vault


Showing 2 responses by soix

There are a lotta variables there like what cables you were using in and out of the streamers and the resolution of your system, etc.  Past that be happy you just saved yourself $$$ without sacrificing much.  If you haven’t, maybe consider adding an LPS from Pardo, SBooster, LHY, etc. to the Vault as that may give you a nice performance bump for a relatively small investment.  FWIW.