What happened to the Innous discussion

I really wanted to read the Innous discussion because I recently bought, and then returned, an Innous Zen. I had several people listen to it a/b with my Bluesound Vault and the difference was so minor that most couldn’t hear a difference. One person heard a small difference and thought the Zen had more "punch", but also thought it wasn’t as clear and revealing as the Bluesound Vault


Showing 7 responses by mojo771

soix, that is true, but I actually used newer, better cables on the Innous Zen but the Blusesound still sounded as good or better.  

But interesting point about the LPS instead of $$$ for the Zen or any other streamer

I have a VPI Signature table with a Sutherland phonostage, a McIntosh 352 integrated tube amp, the Blusesound Vault streamer into a Weiss DAC thru coax cable, and Revel Studio speakers, with 2 SVS subs

I'm glad I gave the Innous a try.  The dealer promised a world of difference but I had different results.  Maybe this will calm my need for the next bigger or better product.  


I have always found it interesting that when I'm in a high end audio store compariing high end systems and speakers, and while each dealer seems to highlight or promote different makes,,, they all used the Bluesound Vault to demo their $50,000 speakers and $100,000 systems.


I saw where there had been a discussion titled Innous is a scam, or something like that, but when I opened it, it said discussion deleted.  

I guess someone was not happy with their Innous, but I'm curious

sls883,  True, but I bought a very nice USB cable,.  and I've read here that usb might be better than coax.  I tried to be as fair as possible and may have even cheated a bit in favor of the Innous streamer because I really wanted to like it.  But it was no better than the Bluesound Vault.  I even tried the Zen with and without the Weiss DAC.  So maybe the addition of the DAC to the Vault made the quality as good as the much more expensive Zen option.