What exactly is ROON?

Pardon my ignorance, but what is the deal about ROON?  Why would I need it?  How would I use it?


Showing 3 responses by jbuhl

Few months back on another thread I posed the question about some unique features that ROON had that I had not seen on other products such as Audirvana, native Qobuz app and streamer software I have used.  I basically ask what other products out there have these features. The response?  Crickets.   


If I remember correctly in ROON. You can play and artist track and then it will continue to play "like" tracks. I think most of the interfaces have a "artist radio" functionality that achieves this?  Also very easy to kick off Genre radio. Just took me 2 clicks to fire up Jazz genre stream. 



There is a setting "limit roon radio to library". I have not played with the setting so not sure how it works.

Also from the Services menu its very easy to Disable/Enable the service without logging out.