What exactly does a DAC do?

I have a NAD cd/dvd player that I really kinda like, but I would like better audio for stereo listening, but I have I some very fundamental questions for any patient souls out there.

1. What does a DAC do?

2. What is a transport? Is there such thing as a pure transport?

3. Would a DAC be beneficial in my rig?

4. Would a standard DAC work w/SACD, if I upgraded later.

Any input is appreciated. Google is not smiling upon me.

Showing 1 response by jfrech

Ok...I'll help.

A DAC is a digital to analog converter. Your NAD has one inside. Basically, every cd player is really a transport (the part that spins the disc), a DAC, and a power supply for both. Pure Trasport? yes, there are just transports that won't do much for you with out a DAC. Most DAC's (and transports for that matter) will not work with SACD. It takes a special interface (computer type connection).

Will a DAC help you? Hard to say, depends on the DAC. With you NAD setup, you might just try a better CD player, if you can hear the difference, then maybe go that route. Opinions may vary on this, but unless you are going to spend several k on a DAC, I think the one box players are likely the way to go...

Now you might really like a SACD player...or try a turntable (I just had to get that in somewhere!)