What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?

In this post let's consider alcohol, nicotine, and coffee drugs, as they are, along with the usual suspects that can get you arrested in most US states and beheaded in Saudi Arabia. I live in Victoria, Canada, which has more marijuana shops than Starbucks, and we have tons of Starbucks. In 10 minutes, I can walk from my house to four dispensaries, which will sell to anyone over 18. OK, enough bragging, For me, a puff, and just one puff (I don't like getting stoned) can be the best tweak ever. A glass of wine is also a fine compliment. Too much alcohol will increase my enjoyment (because I'm drunk) but put Phil Spector in the room (wall of sound and loss of the stuff I value in my system, such as clarity).

Showing 15 responses by asvjerry

*L*  Well...y'all seem to bear out my suspicion that some audio experiences take place Between the ears vs. before them. *smirk*

Alcohol and herbs seems to top the list...no surprise there, due to demographics of the attending.  We're all of an era, so to speak. ;)

As for some of the 'really exotics' mentioned, well...check the MSDS on whatever it is, and keep a copy handy for the EMS in your pocket...

"What'd he take?"
"Huh, beats me.  Keeps jabbering about cables frying his brain...."

Most of the time, personally, cold sober....dammit. *L*  But it allows for some lack of influence and distance, objectivity, blah blah.  If I just want to have fun....that's Different. ;)
213runnin, sure we can and (mostly) do...

But, on occasion, personal preference outweighs Spockish rationality.  It goes on a lot, %/pop. varying with the 'substance' in query.  But, given my experiences in a number of major cities and the arteries that link them...

...I'd rather be next to (driving, or even walking) someone that's been 'herbed'.  The same next to someone whose been drinking to relatively the same 'level' of intox isn't pleasant, at least to me.

Or I'm a magnet for sociopathic drunks.  Probably no cure for that....;)
Now there's a real turn of events...the biggest hazard on the roads today is sober people texting vs. stoners and drunks.  Who woulda thought...?

Yes, music and 'herbal remedy' seem nicely synergistic.  One gets to step off the treadmill for awhile, give the brain/body organism a break and a nice refresher course in why you engaged yourself with these devices in the first place.

...because it feels good and it makes you smile.  Sounds like a win to me, regardless of what you spend or what level of technology that may require.
And any break from the 'real world' should be done well....*G*

I wonder if hallucinogens will come back in style...they were big during Nixon and Reagan.  I wonder what Darnold will drive us to? *L*

I'll pass on self-inflicted lobotomies with a hot screwdriver, thanks... 
213runnin, a crutch....mmm, yeah.

Ergo their popularity.  And the non-appeal to others.  
Do you like coffee?  Tea, non-herbal? (Although I might discuss that with you.)  Sugar?  Checked the label of something you like A Lot?  Do you smoke?  Vaporizer?  

There's lots of crutches about, IMHO.  We just don't recognize them as such.  But that's normal and could make life quite difficult if we did as a whole.

I like 'unenhanced audio' as well.  I'm 'there' more often that not, so I'd better. *G*  And to each their circumstance.
Play on. ;)
lcherepkai, I apologize.  I should have labeled that post "Potentially Extremist Humour Follows" and been more obvious that I'm trying to poke a joke, rather than get into the weeds regarding the psyche that occasionally might drive a post like mine.  *S*  If I offended, 'twas not my intent.
Given the general 'tenor' of this forum, this 'confessional' of ours here where we can share our favorite 'mood enhancers', and some of us have engaged in such to widely varying degrees.  I would expect that...I'm 'talking' to a group that 'technically' be called a 'fringe group'.  We're not into explosives, just a somewhat narrow slice of the population that likes esoteric music reproduction devices.
As for mind improvement....mmm.....well, if you've found that salvia has worked for you and the insight you've gained from that, well, cool.  *S*  I won't argue with you about that.  I'm happy for you, truly.  And I will point out that insight comes in many ways to all.  Not the same insight from your perspective, of course.  Similar, perhaps.  Neither of us can be in two places at once.  So, never quite the same.
Anyway, sorry.  Let us continue...

syntax....bad taste....swollen tongue...yeah.
You ought to stop that.  Doesn't sound 'healthy'. (Is that a deep pun, or am I just being mediocre?  *sigh*  ;)
...and I thank you for accepting my apology. *S*

"The closet door banged open, shrieking, and all sorts of Things landslid into the space..."
My, look at all these skeletons. And all the abstainers look on in horror.  *G*  "Jez, Why?"  Because it's there?  Some of us are perhaps doing a public service, keeping these things out of the hands of those who abuse them.
(Please Note: That was a joke.  My rationale perhaps, but I digress..)
Listening to music is a pretty safe thing to do.  How is up to the listener, and it's all subjective IMHO of any listening state chosen.  We do, and will do, what we like.  As long as nothing becomes mandatory.  And one remains relatively civil and civilized about it.

125 db at the end of a dirt road, cool.  Next door, 3am, NO.  Deal? *L*
No deal; I retaliate with waveform inversion and nobody hears nothing until thermal overload and someone's windows turn to sand....

Hmm....I oughta try that...;)
Tostados, 'bout a decade ago I read a report in the Houston Chronicle, buried in the back of section A, regarding the results of a study on regular pot smokers.  Seems they had a lower incidence of lung cancer.  Now, since it was a university doing that study, one could claim a bias buried in there ('damn kidz'). *G*  Shared that news with my 'source' at the time, and he wasn't surprised at all....

"You know how you cough with that first hit?  All the junk you bark up?"


"Well...it's probably not all from weed, don'tcha think?"

Now, wouldn't that be nifty.  Another selling point....*LOL*  IMHO, anything and everything seems to have a hidden cost, some not so hidden.  Something that makes your head happy is likely rotting your butt in some obscure fashion.  So, pick your poison or not, enjoy the toys in the mindset of your preference.  That's the point, I thought...;)  Soar with the angels now, since the devil will get his due eventually anyway.
Play on...


...and I don't know how that happened.  I'm not 'high' nor 'low' @ this moment.  Although that might be a cure for Monday mornings...;)
tosta, well, sure.  Anything inhaled (other than 'normal air', and it's well-documented as to what it consists of these daze) in major concentrations is bound to have Something Negative traipsing along with it.  Vaping is certainly 'cleaner', digestion perhaps.
But as you've noted, where there's a way...there'll be means towards the desired effect. ;)*G*

oregon...damn....real 'killer pot'.  You ought to let the Pentagon know about that source.  The enlistment rate would clear the streets.  Talk about motivation for the troops.  On the other hand, that might a bit of a nightmare.  Too much motivation could be a 'bad thing'. *shiver*

That's why I do my part of being a good citizen and keep it out of the hands of those who would abuse it or can't handle it.  'Public Service', right, Judge? *G*  (Hey, might fly...)
*Laugh* timrhu, old 'webchat' nomenclature.  *Grin*, *LaughOutLoud*, *InMyHumbleOpinion*, and other contractions.  It's gotten out of hand with the text-ers 'IMHO', what with emojis and all that graphical stuff.  If you're not a teenager, who can decipher that?  It's rapidly becoming a modern version of pictographic languages like Chinese or Japanese....

I just use it so you've got some sense of how I'm feeling about what I'm typing at y'all.  Esp. in this forum, and esp. regarding the subject under discussion, which is real 'left field' for a 'serious audio crowd'.

I mean, Really.  "How f*ck'd up do you get when listening?"  Before, during, after?  Considering the current state of Reality, I've been considering Constantly, Dawn to Lights Out.  A major case of becoming allergic to civilization, I suspect....;)

Wonder if it's catchy?
(Laughing) Well, it's 'ancient history' for him.  I suspect that vinyl and records might be mysterious in their appeal to some, but he's your grandson and he's aware of your 'predilection'....so an old version of emotive annotation might seem....quaint and backwards.

Well, I'm assuming such...but emojis?  I suspect he's better versed in those....again, assuming, given his age group and the popularity of cells within it, and texting/messaging/all that.  Why *G* when a symbol is less keystrokes, if keystroked at all? (I'm not a 'swiper' on my phone's keypad...spouse is good at it, me naah...)

I'm a handkerchief user.  My spouse thinks that's dated and quaint as well.  Should I stop?  It wouldn't be pretty if I did.

Relating that (obliquely,perhaps) to not using any 'emotive comment' on a (well, my) posts leaves one with guessing if I'm serious or pulling your leg (another ancient activity), which happened earlier in this forum.  Should I stop?  I'd rather not.... I'm happy to expound if asked and clarify anything I've said or intimated in my somewhat off-centered ramblings.

I'm here to perhaps learn something, read opinions, tap into 'what's hot/what's not', and have some fun in the process.  I have my preferences like anyone else here...my opinions are subject to the same up/down vote as well.  Getting into lengthy discussions over such isn't my style...brevity isn't either, obviously from the above.... ;)

But you're more than welcome. *S*

BTW, going back somewhat towards the original topic...


A little CA history story for y'all.  For your consideration...;)
"....shooting a gun or petting the cat ...."

Go with the latter.  Either of those doesn't draw unnecessary attention to the following listening session.  Both could be done during, but there's gonna be a break in there at some point for the one...;)

The former lends itself to metal music played loud because one's ears could still be ringing.  But that tends to overly excite the gendarmes who tend to show up after gunfire.  Some overstimulation for some social groups isn't a good thing....they want to compete with bull horns, sirens, all that police stuff...

A real buzz kill....*smirk*
After all the posts here from y'all in the legal states and provinces up in the Great White North, I'm going to try to get some med herb under the pretense that I'm allergic to civilization and it's the only thing that will keep me from becoming a hopeless psychotic....

Well, at least, worse than I already am, anyway....

" But when I woke up, Mom and Dad
Are rolling on the couch
Rolling numbers, rock and rollin'
Got my KISS records out

Your Mommy's all right
Your Daddy's all right
They just seem a little weird