What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?

Like many things, I have come to believe that the cost of incremental improvements in audio come at exponentially increasing costs - e.g., big improvement from $5K to $10K, less so from $10 to $15K, etc. All of us have our limits regarding what we can/will spend to achieve our best possible/practical audio experience. So, a couple of questions that I am sure are at least somewhat subjective.

A. What does it cost, in terms of components, interconnects, and direct furnishings (e.g., racks, isolation pads, surface room treatments, etc.) to achieve 90% of the absolute best sound possible?

B. What % does $50,000 get you?

FWIW, my setup is at about $21,000 actual cost ($32,000 original retail) and I am really happy with it right now. All of my incremental spend for the next couple of years is going to be working the room itself. Looking forward to your perspectives!


Showing 1 response by nonoise

If you eliminate the hype, the sales pitches and the peer pressure, you'd be surprised at how good your system can sound.  Once you step outside yourself for a moment, you realize that it's all rather ephemeral and like already mentioned, relative. 

It's like all addictions in that there's that reward at first listen, and then it fails to maintain the high, and then it's on to the next hit. That's not being a lover of music.  

So, what does $50K get you? Sound that you'll enjoy or even fall in love with. The question is, will you allow it to as long as you have it, or tire of it because, reasons. 

All the best,