What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?

Like many things, I have come to believe that the cost of incremental improvements in audio come at exponentially increasing costs - e.g., big improvement from $5K to $10K, less so from $10 to $15K, etc. All of us have our limits regarding what we can/will spend to achieve our best possible/practical audio experience. So, a couple of questions that I am sure are at least somewhat subjective.

A. What does it cost, in terms of components, interconnects, and direct furnishings (e.g., racks, isolation pads, surface room treatments, etc.) to achieve 90% of the absolute best sound possible?

B. What % does $50,000 get you?

FWIW, my setup is at about $21,000 actual cost ($32,000 original retail) and I am really happy with it right now. All of my incremental spend for the next couple of years is going to be working the room itself. Looking forward to your perspectives!


Showing 2 responses by devinplombier

In the end, it depends on how much obsessiveness and pathological compulsion dedication and commitment one is willing to bring to the table.

As @onhwy61 rightly pointed out, a purpose-built listening room becomes a necessity if one is to even hear the difference better gear makes. Yes that room can cost $250K+, though it doesn't have to.

I don't have a dedicated listening room and I don't want one. I sometimes listen to music 12 hours a day so I need to do something else at the same time, namely, in my case, work. That supposes, by definition, a very imperfect room, which in turn limits how much better gear I can get while still reasonably hoping to hear significant improvement. But I wouldn't last an hour a day in a dedicated listening room before I got cabin fever, so I'm more than willing to live with what I have as it lets me listen to music for another 11 hours, and at the end of the day listening to music is what I'm here for. 


A well thought out, professionally set up million dollar plus system sounds like a million bucks. To reach 90 or 95% of such a system for $150K is deluded and ignorant.

It's not, though. Not if you bought the ten-year-old million-dollar system for $150K.