What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?


Showing 6 responses by asvjerry

bob540, *L*  In the past, I've owned 'better' equipment....but what was 'better' or 'best' then is more 'typical' now.  The 'goal posts' have moved, prices and exclusivity have gone up in most cases as well.
Meanwhile, we've grown older, our hearing has declined in most cases, and disposable funds have become generally limited for most.

First and foremost, I enjoy music..tending towards 'newer' forms, but spouse and I took the time to listen to Yo Yo Ma's 'gift' to us all over the weekend.  A superlative talent, playing Bach as only he knows how....and how! 👍👏😂

My current choice of equipment will not impress, nor is it meant to.
I've amassed that which 'works' for my tastes and desires.
'Flexible' is of more interest to me currently, done with a limited budget.

But it does 'what it does'....'good enough'...for my pleasure, and well enough to allow me to pursue my DIY goals.

After all....isn't this supposed to be 'fun', engaging. a delightful noise?

Yours, and all y'all...Jerry
I'll supply alcohol to some extent....and call Uber if I think you're a public menace....;)
Thanks, it's nice to know I'm not insane....;)

"Mama didn't raise fools...'odd', but not fools....'   Maybe...*L*

The OP (Thanks, Bob!) pretty much describes WTH I'm about....I keep on 'doin' what I do', because:
a.2) I can afford to.
b.2) I have and am learning that YES, it isn't easy...but it IS a learning curve that does make one Think...which keeps the 'wetware' from solidifying...
c.2) Damn!  It does work!  It does sound good, and it does just what it's supposed to!

Yes, it's not 'perfect'.  And I'll be the first to admit it.
I lack the means and methodology at present to arrive at 'perfect'.

On the other hand, there's been an enormous amount of discussion rendered here and elsewhere as to what 'perfection' is and percieved as.

So...now, as before.  My door is open to whomever cares to arrive at it.
Come, listen for yourself.  I'm more than happy to have 'constructive criticism'.
You can come and have a good laugh at my equipment.  I don't claim SOTA.  'Functional' within means, yes.  'Hearing the violinist breathe?'

NO....and that's not the point, nor mine.

Wear your mask until I take your temperature. ;)

Put your presence where your typing is. *G*

Regards, J

(OK, I've just wandered into one of the other catagories.....oh, well...*LOL*)
(I love it...start a thread on PVC pipe, and I instantly get an ad for them. *LOL*)

Also happy that y'all have Finally gotten around to what I've been doing for the past few years....although mating a scaled down Walsh driver to a PVC pipe isn't easy to do either...

My only objection to the Pluto format is having the cone pointing 'up'.
If you flip it over...you've just created (mostly) your very own Ohm Walsh.
The radiation pattern has improved, and you're not depending on the ceiling anymore....to some degrees.

Now....grab the driver and stretch it and it's cone upwards a few inches.  That's a bit difficult to do, but I've gotten a handle on How.

Viola', a true Walsh driver as done by HHR and as done with the original Ohm F and A units.  Mine are scaled down, to reduce the amount of axial cone movement required by low frequencies.  I've chosen to focus on raidal radiation with that driver....

Mounted on a 6" Schd 40 pipe, one gets 'horny....as in the 'honk' the pipe creates.  Stuff it full of fibrefill, it goes away and one can always 'tune' the pipe by length vs. dia.  Alternately, seal it and play with 'acousitic suspension' (remember that?); works great for a bookshelf version....
...like the pair I'm listening to right now.

Hand the low frequencies off to a sub.
Active crossovers make that a snap.
Active room eq ditto.

OK....let's get rid of that tweeter.
How about a Walsh version.
Mount it above the main driver, aligning the voice coil centerlines and keeping it as close to the main as well.
Time alignment: check.
Phase distortion: gone.

Feed it streaming source, and avoid VTA, dust, scratches....any TT I use is a radial tracker anyway....

The only thing left to do is make Eric happy. ;)
I'll get around to that, soon enough.

Although Dr. L had said "Ignore the room."
(Yes, I've read his website....the Ohm patent...and more....)

Yeah, I'm having loads of fun, doing just that.... *VBS*

Regards, and Happy Memorial Day to the vets out there.
Y'all have and do make this all and more possible.
You deserve more than thanks; you deserve a VA that's worth your sacrifices...👍👏😃
I think I may be accused of #10, but it's unintentional...
#'s 4 & 5 ?  It'd be a stretch, but only because nobody else it doing it....

...and there's already enough expensive boxes out there, that end up having to be cordoned off into a 'special space' to take advantage of their qualities...which end up being discussed and argued about and over.

The rest of the list?
Others are far more adept at those....in their way.....
glupson, true....+1 *S* I have ’conventional’ speakers that I can ’fall back on’ as desired. I enjoy them as well...and one needs a ’baseline’ to strive for, and perhaps surpass...

Keeps me out of trouble...at least, until I post here... ;)

Have a pleasant weekend. Let’s hope SpaceX makes history tomorrow.
We could use 'plug 'n play' spacecraft. *G*