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I was just reading through the new ads today. I came across a listing of an item, one of which I just sold. Well guess what, my picture had been lifted to use in this ad.
I have already sold my piece, but I think the seller should have emailed me first to ask permission. I will say the caption under pic said "taken from another ad without permission". Kind of surprising.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat

Showing 2 responses by theo

I understand the feeling of having one's territory invaded. But as territorial I am, I can't see any real harm. I wouldn't do that but then I have a camera. In a case where someone does not have a camera, maybe he needs to sell his item to obtain one. All just one man's opinion, of course.
Maybe what we need here is for AudioGon to establish a way to imprint the name of the seller on the photos when you post an ad. I really can't see the harm that was done here other than one seller may take the route taken and another may choose not concern himself. But if each photo had a imprint not blocking the item of course with the sellers name, that would end it. Oregon all I can say is you used the wrong photo, it wasn't yours, you didn't ask permission. If it were my photo I would have e-mailed you a file copy, and maybe another seller would have felt the same. You could have easily sold the unit without a photo most have seen or owned a Creek before. Or maybe taken a picture off of Creeks website if possible. I have seen nuberous item listed with Mfgrs. photos and text used and have not seen any reprocussions from doing so. I have also seen many ads where "box opened for photo only". I would say you made a mistake, make appologies where needed and hopefull you both can move on. As Muzikat indicated he had sold his item, if you were competing against him with his own photo, he would be entitled to more.