What do you sit on?

As my system has improved I am spending more time listening but my "sweet spot" is not as comfortable as I would like. I'm looking at new chairs, recliners, etc.  This is one topic I have not seen discussed on Audiogon. What kind of chair, perhaps what specific manufacturers are favored by experienced audiophiles? Maybe a little crowd sourcing in this area might turn up some overlooked gems in the way of listening room furniture.
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Showing 1 response by freediver

I know this is hijacking the thread & I apologize but IF YOU HAVE BACK PROBLEMS PLEASE READ THIS:
Get an INVERSION TABLE with Infrared Heat!!!
They wanted to cut me open & fuse 3 vertebra up top & 2 down low..A good friend brought me to her place & made me try hers..Had one for 10+ years now & NOT A SINGLE BACK problem since!!!
Also perfect timing as I was just pondering this question lately...