What do you like about your "favorite" retailer?

Hi everyone,
I'm having a debate with a few friends and I thought you might be able to help us out.

The question has come up about audio retailers: What makes your favorite retailer your favorite? What qualities, practices, etc. keep you going back?

Last, if you have a favorite retailer, why do you buy product from them instead of A-Gon?

Thanks in advance for your input!


Showing 1 response by dweller

After playing this game (abnormally high-priced audio) since 1990, I can say I have no favorite dealer.
I don't wish to sound mean or cynical but I've never found a dealer who wasn't in it for the money and/or gave a crap about me except as a profit source.
I've been going into a hi-fi store in Evanston, IL since the Seventies and they still don't know my name (same people in there, of course).
Another North Shore dealer (formerly from far western suburbs -again Chicago) COMPLETELY IGNORED ME when I changed my mind about an equipment purchase at the last minute. Mind you, I still wanted to buy equipment from this guy, just changed the equipment (and no, nothing had been ordered from the factory yet). I had previously purchased a brand new ARC amp from this dealer so it wasn't like I was a stranger. This crap weasle still has me on his mailing list -what a dork.
Another famous Chicago dealer (near north on Clark street) said they "didn't want the business" when I asked them to bias my VT-100 (they are former ARC dealers).
This is just lazy. The procedure takes about an hour and I've never seen this store even remotely close to "busy".
Also, their print add specifies "Service" as something they provide. Not even.
I'm not saying audio dealers spit on me when I walk in but I will say (to you youngsters): Don't ever think a dealer is your friend or "audio buddy". They are there to make the most profit humanly possible -period.