What do you hear with a better/bigger power supply and output capacitors in same amp?

Start by assuming a good stereo power amp with a proper-sized toroidal transformer and a good supply of output storage (good capacitors).  One option might be to merely enlarge both toroidal transformer and cap supply. What do you hear?

Another option is taking that amp and bridging to mono (I’m not knowledgeable; but I have ears) and using two as mono power amps. For all practical purposes each channel has twice the toroidal watt capacity and output cap capacity as before. (Another question, unrelated; what improvements can be claimed from using both L&R sides of the signal path board together?)

Typically more watts claim more headroom on transients and long loud passages. But what else do you get from this? I changed amps and my ‘new to me’ amp (avoiding names) sounds audibly better in at least five distinct ways from my prior (and decent) power amplifier (admittedly on rather good speakers).  I hear more bloom/air, tonal texture, detail, micro-dynamics, and low bass ‘growl’ than before. If I move to mono-blocks will I get something more, or not? How audible?


Showing 2 responses by musicaddict

No throwing components in DIY; certainly not qualified to. I'm talking upgrading to the mfr's mono version of a good stereo amp.

E.G. a 'Mark L' 200wpc stereo w/one large toroid and lots of capacitance.  Say you converted that to bridged mono (and added one more amp). Would that new additional output capacitance (double the caps from before) and the same transformer to power only one channel, would one hear anything?  I'd hope on extended dynamic passages it would help?  Might there be more air/bloom/body/detail, etc?

If the stereo version is all you're (me) gonna get, why monos? My speakers are small inefficient (85?) D2 towers (raidho) and seem to like power...


Thank you everyone for the wealth of info on this topic. I am learning a lot more than I had known prior to asking. This is not a DIY question although the responses should help those folks.  The nuts and bolts of this are:

A:  one Kismet Stereo:  claims 160wx2,  (850VA toroidal, 4qty x 35mf caps total, 70mf/side)

B:  two Kismet monoblocks, per amp:  200wx1   one 850VA transformer and 140mf output capacitance (each channel has twice, plus the entire audio board too).

Now we're down to brass tacks. Might I expect to hear subtle gains in noise floor, PRAT, piano weight (e.g.) bloom, etc?    I experienced a lot with the Kismet stereo. Is it wishful thinking; have diminishing returns set in?  Thanks all.