What Do You Hear When You Adjust VTA?

I need a reality check from some fellow vinylphiles. What do you hear when you adjust the VTA on your table? I have a DV 507MKII which allows me to adjust VTA on-the-fly. What differences should I be hearing if I move from parallel to raising the front of the arm (thus lowering the rear) vs lowering the front of the arm (thus raising the rear)?

Showing 1 response by drrsutliff

Do a search for SRA. The Stylus Rake Angle (SRA) is not exactly the same as the Verticle Tracking Angle (VTA)and much has been discussed on this subject. In the SRA search under the analog section there is a discussion about using a USB microscope for setting the SRA. About half way down Doug Deacon has an entry that I found enlightening and specifically discusses the audible changs to listen for as you adjust the SRA up or down. Doug adusts his by ear on each album and has keen insight to what you can listen for. Very interesting read that helped me find the proper SRA for my table/arm/cartridge by listenind also. I would place a link to it, but I do not know the proper procedure.