What do you do when the kids come along?

Dear Friends,
Soon in a matter of 6 weeks I will be celebrating my nuptials and if all goes well I believe I can see kids on the horizon. I am curious how the birth of a new child may change your audio experience. I am wondering this since my speakers were bought used from a gentlemen on this web site (hi bruce, love the speakers) who sold them when he had his first child. Will I ever have time to listen to my music again? Is this yet another thing they didn't tell me about when I popped the question?

Showing 2 responses by artemus_5

Jd> Life does not end when you have children. Children also enjoy music. Just as you would teach your child to read you can also teach them music appreciation. Musically nothing changed in our house when we had kids and both of them enjoy music of all genres now as adults. Interestingly I have learned to appreciate classical music through my son. So it is a reciprical action. As to equipment, you can teach children what they can and cannot touch. Yes it's a job but that's parenting. Obviously you need to take precautions for their safety. Speakers are the main precaution since they can be pulled over on the child. With some imagination you could build barricades for the speakers which would keep the child away from danger, but you will still need to monitor closely. And if you have a dedicated sound room it could be off limits for the child unless an adult was in there. Trying to keep ahead of children is a challenge and you will have to be somewhat inventive, however it shouldn't mean you have to give up music. You may have to make some compromises ie speaker placement but it should be a very happy time. Celebrate it with music and congratulations to you and your bride to be.