What do inwalls sound like?

I just purchased a pair of niles MP650 inwalls for rear surrounds,I have been using B&W LM1s on stands and they sound great.I realized I can get wires to the rear wall through the attic and kitchen cabinets so I got the idea of inwalls but now Im hesitating to cut hole in the wall because I dont want to go through all that trouble and have them possibly not sound as good as the LM1 which I could just mount on the wall with MUCH less work.Please give feedback with experience with inwalls for rear surrounds,thanks.
I've been installing inwalls for a while now, and I have wowed so many people. It's quite funny, becuse they can not see were the sound is coming from. Now a pointer, to get the best sound read the specs and see how much air space you will need. I have found that some spray foam to seal a chamber ( yes everyone it dose work and sounds very very good lol ) best of luck and you won't be disapointed
Check Floyd Toole's discussion of this in his book 'Sound RFeproduction'. Floyd can orient you to what to expect.