What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 

My last boss used to ask me that 'what do you do for a living?' question all the time....🤣


I feel your pain. Am 60 and have been a hospital based physician for 8 years now, after practicing traditional internal medicine for 17 years. Worked seven straight months on COVID unit pre-vaccination. Don’t see myself retiring before 67. My Audio Research gear was bought used 10 years ago. Bought new Focal 1007Be and stands for ~$3500 on a good deal from Music Direct at that time and they remain in my main system. 

50 year-old brain surgeon, which means I spent 17 years after high school living like a college student before I could afford "high end" purchases. No money in college, definitely NO money in medical school, very little money in residency (7 years), but that never prevented me from having a decent system that I used the hell out of. I worked as a paperboy in grade school and saved for over a year to buy a used Marantz receiver, Technics turntable, and some JBL L100s... had them all the way through college, and never felt deprived. Even today, with a very solid income, I’m still frugal. I never buy anything new, especially cars or audio equipment; I’m eternally grateful to those out there that pay the massive depreciation associated with new stuff and then pass it along a couple years later for half what they paid for it. Living on ramen and Kraft dinners for the better part of 2 decades will do that for you, lol. My current system consists of Audio Research preamp, Pass Labs 250.8, Wilson Watt/Puppy 8s, two SLS SV4000 subs, and an Aurender streamer, which all together set me back a little over $25k, which is considerably less that the $29k retail on the Wilson’s alone when they were new, and I’m VERY happy with what I have. You don’t have to spend $100k on a system, even if you can "afford" to...just take your time, do your research including auditioning components, then save and search for what you really want used. Thank you Audiogon!


could you pls pm me with your porsche repair shop info, my good friend, fellow porsche gt car owner and track buddy is moving from san fran back to boston, i think he would benefit from being acquainted with your shop



you know the rule in showbiz, we need pictures or screen captures, or it never happened... 🤣