What do audiophiles listen in their cars?

I know this is not a car audio sight, but it would help me out a lot if I could get input as to what the discriminating audiophiles listen to in their cars.

If you can give me a detailed list of the system, I would really appreciate it - I am starting an affordable Hifi shop that includes car audio.

Thanks a mill. in advance...

Showing 1 response by mechans

I subscibe to the school of "road noise makes serious audio impossible." That doesn't mean I don't use the audio in my car also a 99 Volvo (didn't know it had a Nakamichi sound system not sure this one does). I listen to the CD player and FM radio. I think you are wise to include car audio it prolly has more general demand than serious home audio. I would think if no car stereo than you would have to have Home Theater, an already very saturated established market in most places. Good luck on your new venture we need as many brick and mortars as we can get.