What do audiophiles do in their cars?

All of you forum members with your killer home systems…what do you listen to in your cars?  Do y’all have custom stereo systems?  Does the quality of the stereo system actually impact your car buying decision?  I have a B&O setup in my 2021 truck, which was an upgrade and sounds decent enough, but nothing compared to a typical HiFi home system.

Showing 3 responses by mikelavigne

1-sports-radio, local or Sirius XM.
2-Sirius XM music---channels on my preset = Beatles, Classic Vinyl, Classic Rewind, the Bridge, Blend, Tom Petty, Sinatra (classical and jazz don’t work well in cars to my ears).
3-never news.

my 25-30 minutes drive to work and home is my time to get my brain good, and not looking for stress-points. when i get to work or home i’m ready for it. in car with my wife it’s her call.....XM Fox News, The Bridge or Sinatra mostly.

i’m in the car business and drive demo Honda products with stock systems. these days they are quite good. never really warmed up to throwing money at in-car systems but can respect those who do. when i had my 2016 Porsche CS2 for 2 years i listened to the motor mostly; it did have Sirius XM so listened to that too.

nothing is going to compete on any level with my home system anyway......so i don’t even think about it.

and then there is my professional experience......

when we repair cars, appraise cars and recondition trade-ins we see lots of butchering of car’s systems by aftermarket and DIY’rs. it’s a mess. the sanctity of your wire harness is quite important. and the cost of pieces to replace is daunting. these bad installs can actually total a car in some cases. so i’m not a fan.

the ultra serious in-car stereo crowd is a whole separate culture and that is another subject entirely. i do understand that passion and don’t mean to disrespect that.

When I’m alone I listen to myself yell and cuss.
When I am driving my wife I listen to her yell and cuss.
We live in the Los Angeles area.

i use to have a 45-50 minute commute, with about an extra 10-15 minutes a day from congestion.

since COVID i have zero traffic congestion during my 30 minute commute. i get on the freeway in 5-6 minutes from my home, and set the cruise for 75mph and get off 20 minutes later at the exit near work. reverse back home. the silver lining to all this chaos. unfortunately in the car biz when people are not driving they don’t need you.

in the Seattle area all the techies and academics are not going to work; Amazon and Microsoft (and the majority of other tech) are still closed working from home. they mostly all live east of Seattle and commute to the west. so east<->west freeways are empty. blue collar are back to work, they commute north and south, and those freeways are worse than ever now.

the new normal.

hi Rick, there is a right way to integrate aftermarket gear into today’s models, but it’s got to be done properly.....and you would be someone who could do that.

enjoyed meeting you and your wife, hope it happens again.

