What did you add to your 2 channel system to do HT?

My system is really two channel with components added to create a low budget home theatre system.  My LTA MicroZOTL preamp has a HT input that basically locks the level. Not a true pass-through like my conrad johnson had, but it works. Things I've added include:

Onkyo TX-RZ820 receiver which is only used for processing 

Adcom GFA555 amp for center channel 

Denon PMA600 amp for two surround speakers 

Sonus Faber center channel speaker 

PSB CS500 surround speakers

SVS PB12-nsd subwoofer (in addition to my REL subs) 

Sony Ubp-x800m2 Blu Ray

75 inch Samsung HD LED tv

Pretty low budget and mismatched.  I had the Adcom laying around, so I put it to use.  The system sounds good enough for the little bit of movie watching I do.  The Onkyo will do 7 channel, but only doing 5.1. 

I'm curious to hear what other people do to convert a two channel setup to multichannel? 


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I use a completely separate system for video - Marantz AV 7702 Mk2, Rowland 5, Mission Cyrus 782, Vandersteen VSM-1 (x4), Hsu VTF-15H Mk 2 (x2) and a 110" screen and Queen Bee projector.