What did I do??

Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers.

I ordered a pair of Tekton Design Moab Speakers.

Am I going to be disappointed? 

Showing 10 responses by millercarbon

The OP, on 10-5:
Here is my last entry to this post. I set up the Moab speakers today. I been running them for about 4 hours.

No, they are not broken in
No, they are not the same as the Wilsons.

What did I get? First impressions are:

Bigger sound stage
All the instruments are still there when I turn them down.
No fatigue from the speakers, yet.
More bass, effortless.
Midrange is very natural.
I am no longer looking down when playing music. I am looking up!

I have AR Ref 3 pre amp, Ref 75 power amp, DSA Phono 1 pre amp. VPI Classic 1 table. Wyred4Sound 10th anniversary DAC.

I am not a reviewer. You can tell because I do not have the language to reveal what I am hearing.

But right now I have my Pre amp at level 7. that right 7. It goes up to what? 70 right. I am in the kitchen the next room and I can hear everything. These speakers do not need big power. I bet they would sound great on a PrimaLuna Integrated at 36 WPC. I should sell my expensive AR gear and put more money in my pocket.

Bass, I use Lyle Lovette’s She Already Made Up Her Mind as a test track. There are some really low bass notes and then there is a LOWER note that my Wilson’s whould only show me a HIGH listening levels. This tells me that they want more power than 75WPC of tube power. Probably 150WPC of Solid State class AB power amp.

The music just flows out and is warm in my system. It could be wires and all tubes but I like it. If I want to cool it off I could do some tube rolling later. In the meantime I will let the speakers break in, get my spikes installed and work on position. ( Put them right where the Wilson’s were, I taped the rug).

So, some of you were interested in my opinion. Others are not.
I am keeping these speakers. They will only get better from here and I like here so, I cut up the boxes.

Good bye.

True to his word, he has not posted since.

And now, here is my last entry to this thread:

Wow. You people are pathetic human beings.
@blkwrkwgn you are right this is a bit of a toxic place.

If only those who pride themselves on being here so long could see themselves as others see them.
Yes but Blackhawk not Reflection. Probably nowhere near as good but pretty darn good for the money and also nowhere near as expensive so all in all I'm happy. 20W with Moab is plenty, that's for sure!  

We had a bunch over recently and I was able to hear a 37wpc SET amp with my Moabs, and then the same amp/preamp with his Tekton Pendragon XL, so I now have good experience with two different Tekton speakers and they are remarkably similar. Brandon has upgraded his crossovers similar to mine and so pretty soon I will have a good comparison on that as well.  

They are similarly easy to enjoy and definitely do things other speakers cannot touch. And would you believe, of all the people to not cut the boxes up, mine are still in one piece. Rent free. Heh.
Awesome. I could almost hear the heads explode from here.   

Yes they do image well. You are right on about the power. Mine are awesome with 20 Raven tube watts. If you like em on spikes, put em on Podiums, whole nother level.  

I cannot believe MC didn’t say this. Take your $1k-$2k and buy the Townshend podiums.

Goes without saying.

The speakers you have now, did you listen to them at home before buying?   

Rhetorical question, nevermind, of course you didn't.   

Y'all can say what you want, it's a free country, but my whole system is comprised of components 100% of which were bought without audition.  

Read the system comments posted by people who actually heard it. Tell me again about this false economy. 
Maybe they are designed for exactly who it says they are designed for on the website: audiophiles who want the very best sound they can possibly afford. Not collectors of Faberge Eggs and Architectural Digest decorations.

My wife by the way, was pleasantly surprised. And several other women who have seen them think they look just fine.

Tekton are designed with an admirably form follows function aesthetic. Oh and yes, they sound so good I would be happy even if they were as ugly as a Wilson. Which thank God they are not.
Your reading is quite good then, better than most for sure. Considerable subtlety combined with sheer impact is an intoxicatingly spellbindingly heady mix.   

I've had my Moabs over a year now. Hadn't heard them or any Tekton at the time they were ordered, it was all based off reviews and owner comments. Now having them more than a year I have no regrets and am happier than ever. Some months ago around their one-year anniversary I called Eric who as usual was real busy. No worries I said just calling to let you know happier than ever with my Moabs!  

Your reasoning about the Lore and 2 vs 17 is spot on. Got a friend here with Enzo XL, they have the same captivating involving open type sound as my Moabs. I have now heard both his and mine driven different ways, enough to be sure what is speaker and what is not. Tekton are the real deal. You are gonna be one happy camper.
How many months are we up to these days? As we say on the FB Owner's Group, it is like the Patek-Phillippe ad: You never really own a Tekton, you just order it for the next generation.
The Tekton Owner's Group on FB is pretty good. Real nice mix of experienced and open to learning types. Several have come over, and one is planning a trip up from SoCal end of October. Real friendly group of people. Private group, but pretty sure the password is, "Waiting on Eric" or words to that effect. (Running joke on how long the wait.....;)
"The best speaker is the one YOU personally like!"

What a concept!    

Now I get it! All good audiophiles are supposed to stress and fret neurotically over every little thing, or even better act like they don’t really care at all. To build a system by their rules is to ride the Loopy-Logic Rollercoaster where the tickets cost a small fortune but you never let on you enjoyed the ride. It shoulda been longer. Shorter. Faster. Slower. Louder. Quieter. Flatter. Loopier. Nope, sorry. Can’t get no loopier! We do it for the love of it, but must never let on that we actually do love it. Here we go loop-de-loo! Here we go loop-de-lie!