What did he say? Misunderstood lyrics.

My wife bought a calander with misunderstood song lyrics. The name of the calander is "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" from Jimi Hendrix. I remember hearing this while I was young and wondering what Jimi was singing about. All of the other ones I've read so far are really lame. So I'm wonder what your personal misunderstood lyric is.
I can't think of anything for myself so I'll do one of my wife's
Wrong lyric: "Only the lonely get laid." from The Motels
Correct lyric is: "Only the lonely can play."

Alright lets hear 'em!

Showing 3 responses by dweller

Rzado: It's at the 4 minute, 22 seconds mark.

R. Plant: "She's smhfteumsnethbtoso 'o"
"She saw the back of my door"
A 30 year argument: Led Zeppelin III, Song: Gallows Pole - Friend thinks Robert Plant is saying: "She's so ugly though" I say "No he's not" (but can't understand what is said). Anyone at the recording session?