What define "musicality" ? And what constitute "musicality" in audio ?

I think that "musicality" is the most important factor and attribute in living audio experience... The experience of "musicality" i think, cannot be reduced to subjective factors only, nor objective one...It is more easy to describe what it is not, than to describe what it is, perhaps like the experience of God in theology...But for sure if you get it, it seems the most important resultant factor of your audio grid system,you feel it and like it the most...After 7 years i feel it more than ever...The urge to upgrade recess in the background because when you feel "musicality" already at a certain level, you dont believe that it is possible to push that level really higher at an affordable cost... "Musicality" for me, in my words, correlate with realistic musical timbre and voice, fluidity,no harshness at all, no fatigue, and last but not least, listening music and forgetting the sound...

This is my personal my experience, i am curious to read others about that,about their "way" and "means" to live that experience...Thanks to all...

Showing 4 responses by geoffkait

Answer to mapman’s question - everything sounds better with tubes. Especially water sounds, applause, train sounds, voices, helicopters, guitars, violins. Perhaps surprising to many Sony Walkman CD players sound like tubes, at least my hopped up ones do. 
I think one can learn a lot about sound and perhaps even which direction to go by listening to certain “sound effects” and using them as a tool. You know, things like thunderstorms, rain hitting pavement, audience applause on live recordings, the glissando on guitar or harp, vocal artifacts like breathing and smacking of lips, movie soundtracks like Apocalypse Now!, which as a plethora of well-recorded spoken words and “sound effects.” There are some Pink Floyd albums that can be used to evaluate system sound quality, too, obviously.
Musicality is a mirage, a spectre, a chimera, an illusion. There is no standard for musicality. And there is no ideal for musicality, just like there’s no ideal for sound quality. Everything is relative. As Bob Dylan says at the end of all his songs, good luck. 🤗
The older folks get the more convinced they are they’ve just about closed the gap on Audio Nirvana. Trite but true. 🤗