what dacs are fast, lively, energetic?

have a 5k budget for a fast sounding dac

seeking some recommendations please



Showing 1 response by helomech

Chord DACs are a little lean IME, and as “fast” as they come.

A very good DAC that does it all, that just happens to be affordable is the Topping E70 Velvet. I would pit it against any DAC at any price.

The nice feature of the E70V is it is sort of like having two DACs in one chassis, because one of its filter settings is not an actual filter (setting #5 I believe) and mimics the sound more typically associated with a NOS R2R DAC, but still retains the speed and attack of a good delta-sigma design. 

The AK4499EX chip has consistently produced the best sound I’ve encountered among conventional designs.