What'd You Get For Xmas?

Jewish, so I got my Hanukah gift weeks ago: A NOS quad of 1960s Raytheon 5842/417A windmill getter tubes for my phono preamp! Heaven! Unbelievable improvement in the sound stage from the WE 417A I had in there. Tube upgrades always make me happy!


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Several nice orchids to baby and coax into blooming.  Not audiophile I know, but very cool and very appreciated.  Audio purchases coming soon now that I am off work for a couple months (landscaper).  Dac and phono stage first up I think.  I have a few things to sell off.

I did purchase a new REL t9x recently so i guess we can say it was an early Xmas gift to myself.  Working out very nicely btw.  

Happy holidays to all!