What'd You Get For Xmas?

Jewish, so I got my Hanukah gift weeks ago: A NOS quad of 1960s Raytheon 5842/417A windmill getter tubes for my phono preamp! Heaven! Unbelievable improvement in the sound stage from the WE 417A I had in there. Tube upgrades always make me happy!


Showing 4 responses by dhcod

Lamm LP2, bought used from a friend of a friend getting divorced. He didn't mind taking a loss so long as "she doesn't get it". 

From a low rent mind. Everything that’s wrong with this world. People that are miserable in their own lives who want company in their misery 


My wife has long given up on getting me anything. Birthdays and holidays are always "what are you buying yourself"? She's very nice about asking if I am enjoying my self purchased presents after the fact!