What'd You Get For Xmas?

Jewish, so I got my Hanukah gift weeks ago: A NOS quad of 1960s Raytheon 5842/417A windmill getter tubes for my phono preamp! Heaven! Unbelievable improvement in the sound stage from the WE 417A I had in there. Tube upgrades always make me happy!


Showing 3 responses by astolfor

I was hoping to get my Pathos heritage that I ordered 3+ months ago and the 2 Solid-Tec  Reference Rack of Silence  but nothing but silence from Upscale Audio.

I contacted Solid-Tec buy they washed their hands. Buying in the USA is a nightmare, it is like nobody cares.

My partner got a Techdas AF one premium with the titanium platter, that was set up On the 23rd with a Etsuro Gold. 

It was an awesome Christmas, there were just a few presents for her but nothing major, after everyone left I asked her to listen some music with me and she got so happy when she saw the TT. 
it is an incredible turntable 

@upscaleaudio Hello Kevin it is all good I hope. I respond by email.

happy new year!

also the comment of nobody care is not for you.



Kevin, I do not know what you are talking about, I did not defame ANYONE or Upscale. 

If you are talking about a private message conversation I had with a member on this forum, he reached out to me and asked me about Pathos and I explained my situation and what I would do, which was to listen to the BAT (which you have in sale)  and the Pathos. When he asked me if he should buy the Pathos, I told them that I liked or love (do not remember which word I used) Pathos and that that is why I am putting up with all the delays.

I also told him that he should buy the Pathos, which he did, BUT that he should be aware of all the delays and that if the Pathos breaks he might be out for a long wait to get it fixed based on all the delays I  experienced with the 2 racks and the amp. 

I have not once recommended anyone not to buy from you, I have always recommended to those who asked to buy a Primaluna, or any of your products that I feel I would buy. 

This and only this time I explained the delays because he was concerned about the service about Pathos after the sale and HE asked about it.

If you want to make a discussion I had in private with him public and you want come after me accusing me of defamations then that is fine. I know I have not lied about the situation or defamed anyone, much less by name. 

Further more I told him that in no way or shape I was saying that Upscale was bad, but just explaining my that experience with the racks and the amp was not good.

You might disagree, and I respect that. 

If you want I have no problem posting the message I sent in private to him and all the documentation I have to back every word I wrote in that message to him.

Just let me know how you want to proceed, because I am not going to stand here and let you put words in my mouth and accuse me of my 2-3 week email update request delaying things for everyone else after you have been 3 months past your 2 week promise for the racks and the already late on your 2-3 month timeline for the amp; all which have been already paid for 3+ months ago.

I will stop now, until you tell me how you want to proceed.

Happy New Year.
